Monday, May 30, 2016

Episode 13: "Memorial Day Beerathon"

Happy Memorial Day! The GNG crew got together for episode lucky number 13 and things got weird. We tried a brand new concept this time around, Greg B, Matt L and a silent Matty G Podcast got together with our special guest Jen and drank beers. We checked in every hour and gave our tally for how many beers we drank each hour and our totals. Then we picked a random topic out of a hat and discussed it for 5-10 minutes and repeated this process until no one wanted to drink anymore. We hope you enjoy it and had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, unless you don't live in the USA, in which case, we hope you had a wonderful regular weekend.

RIP Backyard Birdie

Monday, May 23, 2016

Episode 12: "To Be or Wallaby"

We are back with another full packed episode and we cover almost everything you can think of, well not really. Greg B and Matt L continue their conversations about Marvel and DC movies, also discuss Game of Thrones and Lost. Warning: There are some spoilers. Then Matty G Podcast is back and we discuss Australia, WWE Extreme Rules, another edition of "What's In The Box?" and so much more. Plus, what the hell happened to Randy Quaid?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Episode 11: "Batman vs Anniversary: Game of Walking Marvel"

It's the 1 year anniversary of GNG Presents: Boom Podcast! and Greg B and Matt L hold down the fort and discuss all sorts of stuff such as Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Batman vs Superman, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, WWE Payback and much more. There are plenty of spoilers if you aren't caught up on stuff, so this is your warning, don't blame us for ruining anything for you. We also once again unfortunately have to talk about deflategate, ugh. You better click on the link and listen, or else maybe someone with a barbed wire baseball bat is coming for you.